Volume.31 No.1 February 2022
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.7-17
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Rethinking the Construction Period of the Ondol Heating System at Hoeamsa Monastery Site
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.19-28
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Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.29-39
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Denoising Traditional Architectural Drawings with Image Generation and Supervised Learning
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.41-50
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A Study on the Characteristics of T-shaped pavilion in Gyeongbuk
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.51-60
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The Formation Process and Characteristics on Hanok Residential Areas around Donhwamun-ro
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.61-76
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A Study of Architectonic Thinking in Philosophy and Architecture as Metaphor
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.77-88
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On the Publication of Journal of Architectural History
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.91-92
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Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.93-96
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화하전통, 장인의 뜻을 면면이 이어가다 -중국전통건축공장기예연구중심의 창립과 각오-
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.97-101
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Introduction to “中國朝鮮民族史學會朝鮮族居住文化專業委員會”
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.102-103
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Research trends of Architectural history in Taiwan
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.104-106
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A Study of the “Pictures of Suzerains and Aristocrats in Zhou Dynasty Ancestral Temples”
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.107-108
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Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.109-111
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Review: Special Exhibition of Relics Donated By Prof. Kahng Byong-Kee
Journal of Architectural History :: Vol.31 No.1 pp.112-114
Open abstract