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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.31 No.1 pp.77-88

A Study of Architectonic Thinking in Philosophy and Architecture as Metaphor

Khang, Hyuk
경성대학교 건축학과 교수


Architecture had played a significant role model in philosophy because the construction of building represented doing philosophy. ‘Architecture as metaphor’ made it possible that doing philosophy was a kind of construction of thinking and western philosopher considered himself as an architect of idea. As a system of system, architectural analogy gave philosophy a chance to insist himself as a theory of theory. So architecture had always been a privileged model of discourse system and also a fundamental metaphor in philosophy. Because of its original meaning, Architecture as techne could be considered as poiesis, that was the special building(making) in western culture. The archi(arche) - structure(techne) was a ideal model and mechanism of philosophy because with this analogy doing philosophy became a kind of building act to make a logical system of idea. This kind of tradition in philosophy, especially metaphysics, made the characteristics of western philosophy ‘architectonic’ that implied the meaning of the rational, stable, hierarchical and holistic. But this kind of tradition exposed the problem of philosophy that focused on Identity and excluded the others. The logocentrism of western philosophy was also the limitation of architectonic thinking and its reductionism became a grand monologue which only allowed systematic, rational discourse. Its ideological position Inevitably caused the anti-architectural thinking in modern age as a diverse form of new trend of thinking as like postmodernism or deconstruction. Even Deconstructivism, or ‘informe’, non-representation in architecture depends upon anti-architectural thinking. Relationship between architecture as metaphor and the building of philosophy is problematique issue.

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