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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.33 No.6 pp.7-19

A Fundamental Study on the Restoration of Chunyanggyo Bridge in Gyeongju

Kim Sookyung
Principal Researcher, Buyeo National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage. 724, Gungsung-ro, Iksan-si, Jeonbuk-do, 54572, Republic of Korea.


Chunyanggyo Bridge is a major bridge located on the access route to the Silla palace in Muncheon (문천), built in the mid-8th century. Based on the excavation report from the Chunyanggyo Bridge site, the findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. It can be inferred that water diversion facilities and temporary wooden structures were erected under a strict construction process plan. 2. The installation of railings and eave-like components on the bridge is evident. 3. The structure is designed to divide the span by establishing an intermediate pier, allowing for the assembly of components at intervals of 3 meters. 4. Chunyanggyo Bridge has at least three or more major structural elements along its length. 5. The bridge width was constructed to be narrow, within 6.4 meters, depending on the spacing of the intermediate piers. 6. The Guitile shaped stones (귀틀형 석재) exhibit nine distinct bonding methods, and as they are critical structural materials for Chunyang Bridge, further in-depth research is necessary. 7. The Chinese Zuelbuengyo (절변교) utilizes straight members angled to overcome spans, applying techniques such as joints found in wooden architecture. This serves as a reference in the research aimed at uncovering the original form of Chunyanggyo Bridge. It is believed that the basic structure of at least 3 Zuelbuengyo (절변교) could be realized through the Guitile shaped stones of Chunyanggyo Bridge.


