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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.32 No.6 pp.7-21

Utilization of Pavilions by a Group of Governors in Jeolla-do and Gyeongsang-do During the Early Joseon Period, Revealed by Miam Diary and Jaeyeongnam Diary

Lim, Hansol*
서울대학교 환경계획연구소 선임연구원
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This research aims to understand the specific aspects of the utilization of the pavilion by a group of governors in the mobile office system of the early Joseon Dynasty through two diaries written in the 16th century. Miam Diary by Yu Hee-chun, a governor of Jeolla Province, and Jaeyeongnam Diary by Hwang Sa-woo, a chief aide of Gyeongsang Province, are important historical materials that reveal the utilization patterns of the pavilion by the governor, who was the decision maker and main user of governmental pavilions. As a result of analyzing the two diaries, the utilization of governmental pavilions was concentrated in the hot summer season, May to July, which is closely related to the perception of temperature and humidity. While pavilions are mostly used as office and banquet places, some notable usage patterns have been identified. When there were several governmental pavilions in a town, the order of appreciation was determined by considering the location and scenery, and the pavilions were also used as a place to encourage learning as governors taught Confucian scholars well. Governmental pavilions functioned as a device to visualize hierarchy through seating and accommodation arrangements. The authors of the diaries left comments on the famous pavilions and sometimes went to see the pavilions after asking for permission from the superior. This research is meaningful in that it reconstructed the relationship network and phases of the times of governmental pavilions scattered across the country through institutions and daily life.

􋺷미암일기􋺸와 􋺷재영남일기􋺸에 드러난 조선 전기 전라도·경상도 관찰사 일행의 누정 활용

서울대학교 환경계획연구소 선임연구원



