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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.32 No.3 pp.39-51

A Study on the Curriculum Development for Climate Change and Cultural Heritage

Lho Kyung-Min
로원건축사사무소 소장, 공학박사


This study aims to develop a cultural heritage curriculum for climate change and present educational directions for cultural heritage and climate change impact in the future. In this study, the role and necessity of cultural heritage education for climate change were first discussed based on previous studies on climate change and cultural heritage. Next, the current status analysis of educational cases related to climate change and cultural heritage was conducted based on educational manuals, curriculum, and heritage competency systems associated with climate change. Finally, we propose a plan to develop a curriculum to cope with climate change and cultural heritage for graduate students in higher education institutions based on the four components of developing a curriculum. In future studies, we intend to propose guidelines for designing educational manuals and specific curricula for each educational target to cope with the climate change of cultural heritage presented in this study.

기후변화대응을 위한 문화유산 교육과정 개발 방안 연구


