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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.31 No.6 pp.69-80

A Study on the Relocation of Heungbok-jeon formerly known as the Hamil-jae of Changui-gung Palace in the Reconstruction of Gyeongbok-gung Palace

Hong Soek-Joo, Kim Bue-Dyel
서일대학교 건축과 교수
서울시립대학교 박물관 학예연구사


This study explains details on Heungbokjeon during the reconstruction of Gyeongbokgung Palace in the 19th century for the first time in 273 years. Hence, the construction of a palace with more than 7,000 Kan(間) made possible in a short stretch of time. Given the fact that its existing architecture was recycled. The antecedent of Heungbokjeon(興福殿) was the Hamiljae(咸一齋) of Changuiggung(彰義宮) which served as the residence of King Yeongjo before he was enthroned. On the other hand, the Changuigung was the outset of Inpyeongwi-gung(寅平尉 宮), which was built for the princesses. During the reign of King Hyojong the princess who got married must depart from the Inpyeongwi-gung. This study corroborated the undertaking of modification of its architecture from being asymmetrical house to symmetrical most primarily the inner part of the palace through the innovation of Changui-gung and the restoration of Hamijae to Heungbokjeon. Hence, it was confirmed that the Heungbokjeon was the only inner part of the palace that was not burned down by the 2 consecutive fires during the reign of King Gojong, to be more specific these fire happend on his 10th and 13th year of rule. Consequently, the research process of Gyeongbokgung Heungbokjeon can escalate the possibility of considering not only the reconstruction of Gyeongbokgung in the 19th century, as well as the construction of the capital city in the 17th century.

경복궁 중건 시 창의궁 함일재의 흥복전 이건에 관한 연구


