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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.30 No.4 pp.91-102

A Study on the System Improvement Plan for Urban Regeneration of Historical and Cultural Environment - Focusing on the case of Hwangnam and Inwang Hanok district in Gyeongju -

Kim Nam-Hee,Lee Hee-Chung
도시건축 도원 도시디자인계획연구소,서울시립대학교 도시공학과


This study is a case study of system improvement measures for urban regeneration of the historical and cultural environment. The example areas are Hwangnam and Inwang Hanok districts in Gyeongju City, which operate various systems to solve the urban decline problem caused by the historical and cultural environment regulations. The subjects of this study are resident support programs and district unit planning systems under the advanced promotion system established in the case area. As research methods, literature studies, field surveys, and in-depth interviews were conducted. Through this, the background and purpose of introduction of each system, major plan contents, and problems of the system application process were analyzed. This study drew the following implications through case studies. First, in order to more effectively promote the urban regeneration of the historical and cultural environment, it is necessary to improve the related systems in an integrated and systematic manner. Second, in order to resolve the policy distrust of local residents in the historical, cultural and environmental management system, a wider variety of planned alternatives to narrow the difference in interests between the public and private sectors should be presented.


