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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.29 No.4 pp.7-16

Repair work of Sasungjeon, one of the main building of Jangansa temple, and an attempt to transform the repair system of historic architecture in 1940s

Seo Hyowon
국립문화재연구소 연구원
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The purpose of this study is to reveal the development process of modern repair systems in the Korean peninsula. Sasungjeon, one of the main buildings of Jangansa temple located in Geumgangsan, was repaired from 1941 to 1944. It was the very last restoration work of historic wooden architecture performed during the Japanese colonial era. This work was delayed multiple times because of insufficient materials and human resources. The Bureau of Education(學務局), which was in charge of repair work, understood that the problems of the repair system and suggested reorganizing the system as a solution. This study examined the repair work of Sasungjeon as a background of the bureau’s suggestion and considered this suggestion as an attempt to transform the repair system.

금강산 장안사 사성전 보존 수리공사와 1940년대 수리체제 전환 시도

국립문화재연구소 연구원


