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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.27 No.2 pp.51-62

Site and Erection of the Government Complex Seoul in Capital Seoul

Lee Sumin, Woo Don-Son*
* Corresponding Author :


This study examines the site and erection of the Government Complex Seoul which was a project attempted to assemble dispersed government buildings in a certain place. The study focuses on the fact that the project is situated between the 1960s’ making of capital Seoul and Seoul urban planning, and the way how the project achieved symbolism in capital Seoul. The project, one of the 1960s’ Major Government Buildings, led both plan of capital Seoul and transforming city Seoul. The 1960s’ Major Government Building Plan had identical drive with the 1950’s Major Government Building Plan, however the 1960s’ had additional layer: Seoul urban planning. After restoration of the Capital building, Sejongro the capital street was planned to the site arranging government offices. The Government Complex Seoul was set to be a modern building on a site with historical context according to the plan. Because of the site, the Government Complex Seoul was constructed in aware of other buildings that represented a competitive high-rise atmosphere in the late 1960s, including the Capital building nearby. PAE International’s plan was completed through a series of design modification, and it boasted a vertical aspect, unlike the horizontal-looking plan that was already won after the design competition. The Government Complex Seoul tried to acquire the symbolism in the central space of the capital Seoul and high-rised city Seoul. “The new construction method” was a requirement to achieve the height.

수도 서울에서 정부종합청사의 입지와 건립

한국예술종합학교 예술전문사과정, 한국예술종합학교 건축과 교수


