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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.26 No.3 pp.7-18

A Study on the Changes in the Cartographic Representation of the City of Rome from the Antiquity until the 18th Century

Kim, Ilhyun


This research focuses on the cadastre and cartographic tradition regarding the representation of Rome that had lasted until the middle of 18th Century. Since the early period of Roman Republic until the early 18th Century, map was considered as a effective medium to record the status of urban facts and also a manifestation of changing perception of reality. These facts allow to diagnose social and conventional changes that had occurred in the field of representation techniques and methodologies derived from diverse intention and objective in elaboration of each map. Cartography also has affinity to architectural drawing as many categories of individuals are involved, clients, researchers, craftsmen, publisher and collectors. Fundamental task of documenting the contemporary physical reality was given to the map, however, as architects had practiced through the drawings, cartographers also reconstruct in subjective way specific buildings and urban aspects according to various needs and demands. As such, philology and imagination play important role as two constitute extreme poles in the evolution of the cadastre. Through analysis of paradigmatic examples in the genealogy of cartography of Rome, it was possible to understand the changing episteme that testify the mentality and custom in the field of visual representation.



