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ISSN : 1598-1142(Print)
ISSN : 2383-9066(Online)
Journal of architectural history Vol.25 No.5 pp.51-62

Type Classification of Contemporary Hanok -Focusing on Architects’ Designs since 2000-

Lee Yong-Hee, Kim Hyon-Sob
고려대학교 건축학과 석박사통합과정
고려대학교 건축학과 부교수
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Since the recent Hanok boom in Korea, Contemporary Hanok has been evolving in terms of structure, space, form, etc. To get a comprehensive understanding of the diversified Contemporary Hanok, this paper aims at its type classification by analyzing architects’ designs since 2000. The criteria for the classification are two: (1) renovation [Re] or new construction [New]; and (2) degree of Contemporary Hanok’s deviation from the traditional Hanok’s standard ― maintaining the traditional form [Main]; changing space within the traditional form [Space]; changing the traditional frame [Frame]; and juxtaposing the traditional and the modern [Combi]. From the two criteria, this paper deduced eight types of Contemporary Hanok, named respectively: Re-Main, New-Main, Re-Space, New-Space, Re-Frame, New-Frame, Re-Combi, and New-Combi, and studied their cases. It can be argued that various aspects of Contemporary Hanok and their critical meanings were well-investigated through this type classification and case-studies.



